About This Site

medical vehicle

The Medicine + the Military website is produced by the United States Department of Defense (DoD). This site is not intended as a recruiting tool for any branch of the U.S. Military. Rather, it was developed as a resource for students in high school, college or medical school, along with residents and licensed physicians, who are curious about military service.

With information from the Service branches, military medical schools, scholarship programs and physicians, this site provides an overview of every stage of joining the Military as a physician. Using the interactive “Explore Your Options” chart, select the category that fits you best to understand and map out the potential pathways through service. The Military offers scholarships and stipends for medical students and residents, and licensed physicians can join at the rank of captain or major in the Army and Air Force, or lieutenant or lieutenant commander in the Navy. Options are also available for active-duty, Reserve and Guard service.

Whether you are looking for a way to finance your education, see the world or serve your country, this site can help you understand what to expect as a physician in the Military.