Hunter explains common injuries received during conflict and why it's important that all soldiers learn basic medical skills.
Hunter standing inside training center

WINEGARNER: The common wounds that we really want to train hard are the ones that are — that we've identified as being causes of death that are preventable. So there's been some landmark studies out of Iraq and Afghanistan that have looked at what people die of on the battlefield, and the big things that we've identified that guys can basically intervene on and make a difference on are the massive hemorrhage, and so putting tourniquets on and stopping the bleeding as fast as we can is the biggest thing. And then we've also developed even more to get at more of the junctional wounds, which would be kind of up here in the armpits or down here in the groin area. Those parts of the body are really hard to put a tourniquet on, and you can't necessarily stop the bleeding with that, but we’ve developed special gauzes and even some clamps that we can use in the field to stop those bleeding sites. And so, so massive hemorrhage is always something that we're always going to train when we do this TC3 training. And then the pneumothorax, which we also simulated outside, that's another thing that's been identified as potential intervention that guys can do in the field and will save a life, because with penetrating or blunt-chest trauma, there can be basically a ruptured lung and then air leaking into the chest that collapses the lung, and then can even compress on the heart and cause circulation problems. And so just by simply putting a needle in and decompressing that, we can release the tension that's inside the chest and get the blood pumping again. 

Hunter Winegarner, M.D.
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03:35 PM
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Common Conflict Wounds & Their Treatments

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